[ UPDATE: By popular demand I have created Valerian and Laureline characters for M-SPACE!
See the bottom of the post for full stats and equipment.]
I have been a big fan of the French comic Valerian & Laureline for many years. The combination of clever storylines, gorgeous drawings, fascinating locations and bizarre aliens puts it among the best sci-fi comics ever created. When the movie by Luc Besson was announced last year I was thrilled. Not only is the comic an impressive piece of sci-fi, but Luc Besson is probably the perfect director. The Fifth Element, Besson’s 1997 mega-hit, was in many ways influenced by Valerian & Laureline.
Valerian movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3aOg6_7cEc
As you can understand, I was very happy when M-SPACE player Tristen Vey told me he had recreated Valerian’s spaceship – Astroship xb982 – for M-SPACE. Additionally, he had drawn a simple deckplan for the ship. Not a trivial feat if you consider the scarce and contradictory views of the interior the comic books offer.
Tristen has kindly allowed me to post the stats here. If you plan on running scenarios inspired by Valerian, complement with a look at write-ups.org, containing detailed descriptions of the setting and main characters: http://www.writeups.org/valerian-and-laureline-french-comics/#stats
Astroship xb982
SIZE 127
Bridge 24
Crew 7
Multi-Purpose 7
Sickbay/Lab 12
Cargo Bay 14
Vehicle Bay 29
Engines 15 (TR120)
Maneuver 15 (TR120)
Hyperspace 3 (Tiny – no Modules added)
Weapons 1
Sum: 124
Armour: 5
Weapons: Disintegrator (Damage 2d6, Range 40)
Stealth: 95% (all senses and sensors. Very power consuming; used mainly when stationary)
Apps: Navigation +30%, Sensors +30%
Streamlined: Yes
Stunts: Time travel (Preparation time for a safe jump: 1d6 hours. For successive unprepared jumps, roll Endurance to stay conscious – one Level of Difficulty harder for each jump). Hyper-Advanced Lab (add +30% to any science skill rolls the character is trained in)
Notes: Sickbay contains an Autodoc (1 Module) and advanced medical and genetic research equipment (+30% on Science (Genetics) and Medicine).

STR 13
CON 15
SIZ 13
DEX 17
INT 14
POW 13
CHA 16
Action Points: 2
Damage Modifier: –
Experience Modifier: +1
Healing Rate: 3
Initiative Bonus: 16
Movement Rate: 6 m
Hit Points: 14
Power Points: 13
Luck Points: 3
Culture: Urban
Career: Spatio-Temporal Agent
Combat Style: STS Agent Training (Energy Weapons, Unarmed) 90%. Weapon Mastery Trait: Can use any personal weapon, regardless of Tech Level and culture, without skill penalties.
Normal Skills: Athletics 80%, Drive (Vehicle) 90%, Endurance 80%, Evade 90%, First Aid 70%, Perception 70%, Ride 80%, Stealth 70%, Willpower 100%
Professional Skills: Acrobatics 80%, Astrogation 70%, Demolitions 80%, Knowledge (Galaxity Law) 80%, Mechanics 70%, Medicine (Genetic Engineering) 90%*, Pilot (Spaceship) 80%, Pilot (Airplane) 100%, Research 80%, Sensors 70%, Science (Astronomy) 70%, Science (Time Travel) 90%, Track 80%
*= Only in his own high-tech lab.
Traits: Language Mastery. Knows hundreds of languages.
Passions: Love (Laureline) 90%, Loyalty (Galaxity) 80%**
**= Waning as the comics develops over the years.
Equipment: Blaster, Disintegrator Rifle (3d6, Range 30/100/300), Stunner (1d8 stun only, see M-SPACE p 190. Range 5/10/30), Ultra-Light body armour/vaccsuit (AP6), MedPak, Jet pack
STR 12
CON 13
SIZ 11
DEX 16
INT 17
POW 15
CHA 21
Action Points: 2
Damage Modifier: –
Experience Modifier: +2
Healing Rate: 3
Initiative Bonus: 17
Movement Rate: 6 m
Hit Points: 12
Power Points: 15
Luck Points: 3
Culture : Rural (Medieval France)
Career : Thief & Spatio-Temporal Agent
Combat Style: Thief (Medieval Longbow) 90%
STS Agent Training (Energy Weapons, Unarmed) 80%
Normal skills: Athletics 70%, Drive (Vehicles) 60%, Endurance60%, Evade 70%, First Aid 80%, Influence 100%, Insight 90%, Locale (Arelaune Forest) 90%, Perception 90%, Ride 80%, Stealth 70%, Willpower 90%
Professional skills: Astrogation70%, Courtesy 90%, Demolitions 70%, Knowledge (Alien Psychology) 90%, Knowledge (Animal Handling) 100%, Knowledge (Fashion) 80%, Knowledge (Galaxity Law) 60%, Mechanics 70%, Pilot (Spaceship) 70%, Research 90%, Science (Astronomy) 70%, Science (Time Travel) 70%, Seduction 90%, Sensors 70%, Survival (Temperate Forests) 90%, Track 80%
Traits: Interspecies Charm. Strangeness penalties do not apply when social skills are used on alien species.
Language Mastery. Knows hundreds of languages.
Passions: Love (Valerian) 90%, Loyalty (Galaxity) 60%*
*= Waning as the comics develops over the years.
Equipment: Blaster, Disintegrator Rifle (3d6, Range 30/100/300), Stunner (1d8 stun only, see M-SPACE p 190. Range 5/10/30), Ultra-Light body armour/vaccsuit (AP6), MedPak